Sunday, October 26, 2008

Keeping Still

The hexagram for yesterday was Gen, mountain doubled, "Keeping Still." Certainly it was a propos. After a late start and pie for breakfast, we walked to another of our favorite haunts, Cafe Avanti. We got there around 11, and I at least stayed there all day. It's a pleasant place. They have free wireless, abundant electrical outlets, comfortable tables, bottomless coffee, and tasty food. I have a particular fondness for their tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich special. It took me a long time to get started working, but when I did it was quite productive. Pocket of Bolts left at some time in the afternoon, but I stayed until a quarter to six. Back at home Pocket of Bolts made tasty tortilla soup and salad and we had lots more pie for dessert. A quiet pleasant Saturday!

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