Thursday, November 23, 2006

Talking Turkey

Hello all. I will make a real Thanksgiving post tomorrow. For now it's late, but I just wanted to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving.

Also, to post something I've been working on for a while now, although "playing with" is probably a better way to describe it. See, a while ago I saw somewhere on the internet (I forget where) one of those pictures kids make in school of a hand turkey. Suddenly I was filled with a tremendous longing to make one.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays but they don't celebrate it here, and anyway I am far from my dear ones.

So--this was probably two weeks ago--I went to the Carrefour and acquired the nearest available approximation to the right supplies. That turned out to be watercolors in a tube, a three-brush set, and some drawing paper. This was not for any highly artistic purpose, mind you! Just the turkeys you see below.

My hand isn't really quite the right size or shape anymore, but I had fun.

And if you feel stressed out by overdose of family over the holiday, invent a teleporter and I'll trade places with you. Can't always appreciate a family holiday until you gotta spend that holiday alone!

By the way, no turkeys were harmed in the making of my Thanksgiving this year. I'm not even sure if there are turkeys in China...beyond the above exceptions!


Colin Klein said...

I especially like the top turkey: a fine beak!

ZaPaper said...

Seven face bird, huh? I guess I don't know that myth. I approve, though--much more colorful to give modern things interesting ancient names than to poach some English word.

Others feel free to vote for your favorites!

My dad contributes the comment he agrees about my hand being no longer turkey shaped--long skinny fingers make for funny turkey! Since he and my mom are probably my only readers who actually remember my hands when they were turkey shaped, I'll concede that they're the experts. But they also mentioned that they liked the turkeys, funny shape and all. :)

Andrea said...

I'm almost caught up to your current entry, but I wanted to comment on this since it is fairly recent. My husband (Chinese, born there) tells me that there are turkeys in China, but they are not indigenous. They are generally just in zoos; in fact, although Chinese people we know here in the States don't seem to have an aversion to turkey, Chinese in China would almost never think of eating a turkey, maybe the way we would never think of eating a peacock (though I think this can't be entirely true, since Chinese are so well-known for their willingness to eat anything that was once alive!)

ZaPaper said...

Wow, thanks for your turkey-info! Haven't been to the zoo (I've heard it's depressing) but now I kind of want to go just to see if there are really turkeys there. We used to raise turkeys when I was little; they were impressively dumb. I also saw wild turkeys in Connecticut. They were much less dumb! I wonder what peacock tastes like... just kidding. :)