Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday Sketch Diary

I have not been making as many sketches as I thought I might. I do enjoy making them, and it relaxes me, but like many of my little hobbies, it has the potential to develop into a distracting obsession. So I've only made a few since the last time I posted them. I thought I might as well put them up there, though, now that I've collected up a decent number.

The plaster medallion was from National Geographic, one of my favorite sources of images when nothing around the house catches my eye. Imitating on paper the plaster imitation of wrinkles in clothing was a frustrating, but also interesting, challenge.

Flowers that Pocket of Bolts brought me. They were red and gold, very jaunty and autumn-looking. I drew them in an unusually freehand way (for me), not copying each individual petal and leaf like I usually do, but I really liked the way they came out.

Baby sea turtles have a pretty wretched chance of making it all the way. I copied this "at random" from National Geographic, but if you had a mind to analyze this you could probably tie it to job market insecurity...

A very quick sketch, again from National Geo. Yeah, I know, the little fellow looks pretty nervous. Well, it is a sketch DIARY after all.

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