Sunday, May 25, 2008

Home Again (27 Days)

It was hard getting up at 6 this morning to go to the airport.

Then, instead of getting work done as I had planned, I impulse-bought a novel at the airport bookstore. Then I proceeded to read it the entire flight, finishing it about half an hour before landing. I guess I was fiction-starved.

It took a long time to get back from Midway with all the luggage, because I took elevators instead of lugging things down stairs (at least 3 different times). When I did get back, I was desperately impatient for Pocket of Bolts to get back too. He was coming from O'Hare and his flight got in later, so I beat him by about half an hour. I watered our deck plants, which were droopingly thirst, and did a few other little chores.

I was sitting down with my computer when I heard his step on the stairs. I was so happy to see him!

But then also so low and weary. As usual it was wonderful seeing my family but overall the trip was exhausting and took a lot out of me. In fact, no work at all got done today. Pocket of Bolts and I relaxed, and just had some grocery-store roast chicken and rice for dinner. We agreed not to try to approach wedding stuff (all the little last minute tasks) until tomorrow. We went for an after-dinner walk to the lake, and asked him about his trip.

Summer seems to have properly come to Chicago. It has gotten ten degrees warmer and thirty percent more humid, says Pocket of Bolts. I think it is comfortable.

Now I am up late. Pocket of Bolts has been asleep over an hour, but of course I'm going the party direction and he's going the other way. Tomorrow I am going to try to a) deal with the rest of the remaining wedding stuff, b) get back into gear with my work, which I REALLY need to do since I'm going to have to give a talk and meet with my adviser in less than two weeks (panic attack here).

Jury is still out about whether I'm going to go to the Memorial Day party to which we have invited. I think PoB is going with or without me but... everything seems so important right now, every last detail of what I do--momentous for the future. It's terrifying of course and sends me straight into escapism. Parties are not escapism for me but something I do when I'm feeling good and strong and relaxed. If I'm not feeling like that, it's work...

But tomorrow: tomorrow I'm going to do everything right.

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