Monday, January 08, 2007

Slow Day, The Abanoned Hypermart

On this day, moving earth, construction, and renovation are all out. But sacrificial rites and praying for good fortune are a-okay. I think it's funny that praying for good fortune is something only conditionally permissible. I'd be curious to know if there are any days when praying for good fortune is tabooed!

I didn't do much praying for good fortune. As a matter of fact, I hardly did anything except laundry and a few good solid hours of work. It was just the kind of quiet day I needed, which also leaves almost nothing at all to say about it.

In the evening I finally went forth and had mala tang for dinner on campus, did a few errands, went to the grocery store. I went to the Wumei Hypermart, partly to avoid the crowds at Carrefour, partly because I'd been there with Colin several times while he was here and it seemed too sad to go alone. Of course the Wumei was sad in its own way. Really it is almost identical to Carrefour, but it's those extra little touches that bring the people thronging to Carrefour and cause them to almost completely abandon the Wumei. At least half the register girls were completely idle. The floor cleaners silently cleaned the already clean floors. It was kind of sad.

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