Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sad News for Reptile Lovers

I interrupt the slow steady march of my China days to mention the melancholy news about Australian TV personality Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, who died a strange and unlikely death, pierced in the heart by a sting-ray while filming off the Great Barrier Reef. His wife is from my home-town, and he had two little kids. It's a really sad thing.

Of course I do mourn and respect Steve Irwin, who was a truly likeable personality as well as an amazingly brave guy. At the same time I confess I can't help feeling a little tiny bit curious whether they caught his last moments on film. I seriously doubt they'd ever release it, and I'm not sure I'd want to watch it if they did. But the historian in me does wonder. [Update: I am told by several people that they were in fact filming at the time of his death, but are apparently not releasing the film for reasons of tact. That's good of them, I think.]

Well in any case, rest in peace, Crocodile Hunter.


Carl said...

I am a fan of The Crocodile Hunter and was shocked and saddened to hear of his death on the news yesterday. Like many fans on the blogosphere I put up a tribute to him as well. He will truly be missed. According to reports, his death was indeed caught on film but for respect to his family, I hope it does not get aired.

Apparently there are a lot of fans in the blogosphere judging by all the entries about him that I've read today. I wish I could find something to make a living at that I could be as passionate about.

ZaPaper said...

Thanks for the correction, carl. It figures, huh. In fact, one of my friends also correcting and commenting mentioned that he saw a report of the contents (I'm not sure where). Fierce to the last, he allegedly pulled the stinger out of the ray and out of his own heart before he died. Not sure if this is true or not, but it sounds about right.

Your last line really struck me as expressing what was so likeable about the guy. He loved what he did. In fact, it's hard to be likeable when you don't love what you do. Hey, I love what I do (most of the time) although it's not as exciting as wrestling crocodiles. (I'm not sure I'd want it to be.) My advice on this would be, don't settle for something second-rate and uninspiring. Do go out and find something you can be passionate about, then make sure you stick to it even when the going is rough. Yeah, I know it sounds pretty banal, but it's really true.

ZaPaper said...

Like I said, not sure I want to see it, not sure I want to know who would want to see it, but there is something fascinating about it from a historical point of view. 'Course he was underwater so he couldn't say "Crikey" but I bet he was thinking it. "Crikey, got to get this thing outta me." Ah, what a guy.