Monday, August 20, 2007

Changes in the Air

I see I haven't posted in nearly two months. It's been quite a summer for living rather than writing and reflecting.

Perhaps the most momentous event was that Pocket of Bolts and I got engaged. We had always been planning on getting married (maybe even from when we first met!) so the surprising thing was how momentous the actual getting engaged turned out to feel.

We also spent nearly a month traveling around to see our respective parents and be congratulated and feted on all sides. Also racing around like crazy looking at wedding venues. We're not doing the deed until next summer, but once the school-year starts we're not going to have time to go gallivanting around on this surprisingly time-consuming type of research!

Next, we came back to Chicago and moved into a new apartment. The new place is an enormous gorgeous vintage two bedroom a bit nearer the lake but with basically the same commute. We have been working hard on home improvement. To keep the place from looking bare we have to about double our current furniture holdings. And then there's the matter of colors and currents and rugs... We're both such novices that I fear the results might be more laughable than coordinated, but we're trying things out and learning.

We painted the dining room on Saturday, and on Sunday I spent a long time scraping about a hundred layers of old paint off the rotting window-sill in our bathroom. Pocket of Bolts cleaned and re-caulked it, and we are going to apply some really super waterproof paint to see if that protects it.

This is a silly little update, and I am far too tired to write anywhere near ALL the things that have happened or post any photos. In one week, I am going to be starting a new job.

Life change coefficient impressively high, no?

I'm not sure where this blog is going to go. I like blogging, but I am going to have students, and I have not been especially careful with anonymizing. I think what I may do is take all the archives off-line and go on with it in a more cautious and anonymous manner. But we'll see. I have made far too many unfulfilled promises to have a right to say more!


Andrea said...

congratulations on your engagement!

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear from you!

Congratulations on your engagement and all the big changes.

Now that you're back in the general vicinity where I live, we should plan a get-together.

ZaPaper said...

Thanks very much!

That would be fun. I'm starting classes next week and should probably get into swing of things a bit first, but sometime soon!

Marcelle Proust said...


comebacknikki said...

Congratulations! :)

We definitely must plan a meet-up. RL and I were just talking about that a few weeks ago (contacting you about meeting).

Are you on the north side?

gloria said...

Well hot dog, what great news! So happy to hear of your engagement--talk about "life changes". But this is a nice one.

Sorry I haven't checked in more frequently to see how things are in Chicago, or Beijing for that matter. Had some life changes myself lately--my blog, or I should say, lack of blog, reflects this fact as well as getting around to visit everyone else's. Got a lot of catching up to do.

Looking forward to more photography from you.
